Technical Documentation

This page introduces Transmute's layered architecture.

The platform is modularly built from contemporary, best practice frameworks. This overview is intended as a high-level architectural platform introduction.

Transmute is a major contributor to open source specifications and standards. Everything we do is standards-based! So this architectural overview will indicate also how and where these standards apply to the platform.

Web Application

The web application provides a user-intuitive way to perform common business workflows, seamlessly powered by cutting edge technologies. The web app is intended for non-technical users, focusing primarily on best-of-breed user experience and business-friendly terminology.

The web application guide can be found here.

Technically, a progressive web app, optimized for modern browser-based user interfaces. Underneath, it utilizes the API for accessing platform services and resources.

Application Programming Interface

All interaction with the platform goes via the API. The API is targeted technical users and developers, seeking to programmatically automate workflows. The API is strictly aligned to REST principles, and significant effort has been made to provide an intuitive resource model, all with the primary goal of making developers work fast, efficient and independent.

The subsequent Technical Documentation introduces essential elements of working with the API. The full API OAS can be found here.

Core Application

At the core, the platform implements a range of the main w3c standards, notably the cryptographic elements supporting the Verifiable Credentials spec, JSON-LD capabilities for strong semantic management.

Supporting the standard functionalities, the platform core offers business-oriented user- and resource management features, built upon an enterprise-grade security model.

Last updated

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