Getting Started Postman Collection
This page covers importing and running the API collection in Postman
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This page covers importing and running the API collection in Postman
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You will need to have Postman installed to run this tutorial. See the Download page for you operating system.
This Postman collection is meant to get you quickly up and running and familiarized with the basics of the API.
You can import this into Postman with File -> Import, or with Import button.
From there, you will be presented with an area to drag and drop the Postman collection JSON file, or click on the area and select the transmute-getting-started.postman_collection.json
You will then have the Postman collection imported.
Next we will cover how to set up an environment to start calling the API.
You need an Application with suitable scopes to run the collection. For full details, please consult the guide section on Applications for details on managing platform Applications.
On the Transmute platform, go to Applications, and create a new Application. Select the `Credentials`, `Presentations`, and `Organizations` scopes which are required to run the collection. Click "Create Application" and download the Postman environment.
In Postman, import the environment file as an Environment. Select it as the active environment in the top-right drop down.
To run the collection, click on the three dots next to "Transmute Getting Started", and then click on "Run Collection.
To run the entire collection, right-click the Collection and choose Run Collection to run all the endpoints in order.
The Postman collection calls some basic network requests to the API:
First obtains an access token for the application
Queries and resolves the default did:web
Issues a sample Verifiable Credential
Illustrates different Verifiable Credential media type representations
Verifies retuned and referenced Verifiable Credentials
Signs a Verifiable Presentation
Submits a Verifiable Presentation